Question of the Week: Are calling people in leadership titles like Pastor unbiblical?
Verses: Matthew 23:1-11, Ephesians 4:11
Individuals who refer to themselves as Pastors instead of being referred to as a Pastor through their God-given calling are misrepresenting the entire purpose of their title in the first place. It is true that you see people who refer to themselves as pastors, priest, deacons, and any number of titles which raises red flags for those who have read the Gospels. Jesus did say that we shouldn’t be like the Pharisees who loved to be called teachers or Rabbi. Notice however, He didn’t condemn the Title of Rabbi, He Himself was referred to as a Rabbi often even immediately following His resurrection. The issue was that they loved to be called Rabbi. They lived for a title instead of the responsibility and joy of teaching God’s word. A person who fulfills the role of a pastor is worthy of his title because he’s doing the work of shepherding God’s people. You can call your Pastor anything you want, but calling them Pastor isn’t unbiblical. A Title given to a person who fulfills a role in the church is honoring to the individual. A Person who values a title more than what the role demands of them dishonors the title.
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