Question of the Week: How can people understand the Bible when there are so many different ways people interpret it?
Verses: 1 Corinthians 13:9-12, Proverbs 8:9, John 16:12-15
Interpretation of Scripture is a lot like Calculus. There are people who get it and there are people who struggle with making heads or tails out of it. The issue isn’t with Calculus, it’s what the person is bringing to their study of the topic that keeps getting in the way of understanding the formulas. It works the exact same way with scripture. You only need to answer the questions; who, what, when, where, why, and how and any passage of scripture can be made a clear as day. The difficulties people have with scripture are when it conflicts with what they want it to say. That’s why when we come to scripture, we not only need to leave our bias’s out of the experience but also understand the Bible comes with its own tutor. When you let the Holy Spirit guide, the plain things of scripture are the main things in scripture, and that any difficulties we have are because of our error rather than any lack of clarity in the text, the message will be very easy to understand the way it was intended to be.
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