Question of the Week: Why did God create Evil?
Verses: Ecclesiastes 7:29, Revelation 13:8
Evil is not a creation of God because it isn’t something tangible. You can’t have a jar of evil or contain it in any one particular place. Evil is the absence of good, and by extension, a natural result of separation from God’s presence and character. To make the claim that God replaced everything with evil is to think in the same terms of wondering why all of the heat replaced everything with cold. The terms need to be understood properly in that one isn’t a thing, it’s merely the absence of the other. Why God allowed evil was the very reason He created the universe. We were created with the ultimate purpose of receiving, enjoying, and sharing God’s love in a true relationship with Him. However, true and genuine love requires a choice and for that choice to be respected even if it is to the ultimate harm of the other person. When God created the universe and human beings to govern it with the capacity for free will, He respected our choice when we ultimately chose to reject Him. The curse on the world making evil a natural part of our natures is caused by that absence of God in our lives. That’s why when Jesus is called our Savior from Sin and Death, He didn’t just do so in response to our poor choices. He created us knowing ultimately what it would cost Him to give us the capacity to receive and enjoy His love. Why did He go through with it then? Because you were worth it to Him.
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