A Reason 4 Hope

Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
A Reason 4 Hope
Question of the Week: Are the chemical attacks in Syria prophetically significant?
Verses: Isaiah 17:1-14, Ezekiel 38:1-23
The chemical attacks in Syria have people scratching their heads as to why Bashir Al-Assad would risk actions that legally warrant international response. The reason this has theologians raising their brows is because that this does indeed have prophetic significance. The prophet Isaiah predicted that the capital of Syria would cease to be a city. This is interesting considering the fact that the city of Damascus is the oldest inhabited city currently standing on the planet. This means that the prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. Interestingly, the rest of the prophecy goes on to describe that the result of this would create a time of extreme famine in Israel. Could a chemical attack by Syria on Israel warrant the destruction of its capital in retaliation? Only time will tell. The real thing we need to be paying attention to is that when Syria is knocked out of commission, the last threat to Israel adjacent to her borders will be neutralized and opening the way for the nations of Russia, Iran, Turkey, and various other nations to invade in the famous Gog and Magog invasion. When it comes to prophecy, hindsight will be 20/20. We need to keep our eyes on the nation of Israel and to continue to pray for their peace. They remain the epicenter of God’s plan for mankind’s redemption.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.
Listen: Monday – Friday 5-6pm, AM 940 KGMS
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Question of the Week: Where is the United States in Bible Prophecy?
Verses: 2 Peter 3:9
The United States is conspicuous by its absence in Bible Prophecy. We are given a remarkable amount of detail concerning the roles that nations like Russia, China, and especially Israel will play in the last days. However, no mention of the United States can be found concerning the nations that will play major roles during this time in history. There are three possible reasons for this. The first is that we will fall out of the role of a superpower like England and France before us due to the financial strain of bearing such a title. The second reason the United States does not play a major role in Bible Prophecy is because we may be taken out of the world scene through a cataclysm or war before the Tribulation gets into full swing. The third and most hopeful reason is that one last revival brakes out before the time of the Rapture in the US, and so many are taken before the Tribulation begins that the resulting blow to our economy ends up being one we never walk away from. Conservative estimates number the amount of evangelical Christians in the US in the millions. Could you imagine the financial strain put on this nation with that many people vanishing without a trace off the face of the earth? The 9/11 terrorist attacks cost the lives of almost 3,000 people and it took almost a decade for our nation to recover. Pray that this is the scenario that puts us out of the world scene, because there’s no better way for a nation to end their story then collapsing as a result of the work God has done in it.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.
Listen: Monday – Friday 5-6pm, AM 940 KGMS
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1(877) 556-1212 (Toll Free)
(520) 790-5663 (Local)
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Question of the Week: What does the Bible mean when it says, “The Dead in Christ will rise first”?
Verses: 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, Ephesians 4:8, 2 Corinthians 5:8
The term “In Christ” is a title used to describe those who have put their hope for salvation in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This applies to Old Testament saints as well as those currently being saved. What we look back on and remember, they looked forward to. The work of salvation still applied. The only difference was their position in time to receive it. When an Old Testament saint died in Christ, they were looking forward to God’s promises at Abraham’s side in the Grave. When a New Testament saint dies in Christ, they are immediately in the presence of the Lord. The difference between the two was because the Old Testament saint didn’t have their sins forgiven yet. Once they were, they were taken to Heaven personally by Jesus in a victory parade for 3 days. That’s what Jesus was doing when His body was in the tomb. To refer to anyone, past, present, or future, as in Christ means they are saved. Upon the moment of their death, or the time of the Rapture, they will be brought into the presence of the Lord. The difference between those two is simply the fact that the saints who have died are already risen and in God’s presence. Those who are alive when the Lord takes them home won’t die like their loved ones. They will simply be brought to where they already are.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.
Listen: Monday – Friday 5-6pm, AM 940 KGMS
Call with your questions:
1(877) 556-1212 (Toll Free)
(520) 790-5663 (Local)
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Follow Twitter: @ScottR4H
Follow on CCF Facebook: facebook.com/ccftucson
Question of the Week: Is a Black Moon prophetically significant?
Verses: Revelation 6:12-17, Joel 2:10-11
A Black Moon is an uncommon occurrence in lunar cycle patterns. When there are two New Moons in the same month, the second appears darker than normal. In light of the recently failed Blood Moons predictions that the tetrad of Lunar Eclipses aligning with Jewish Festivals had prophetic significance regarding the date of the Rapture, this new announcement of a Black Moon ended up getting far more attention than it deserved among prophetic circles. A Lunar Eclipse is a wonderful display of how magnificently designed our solar system is regarding the perfect position and size of the moon allowing for life to thrive on our planet. When it occurs, the Moon is on the opposite end of the Earth as the sun causing a reddish glow to be reflected from the moon’s surface instead of an absence of light. This is a natural occurrence that may peak the momentary interest of astrology buffs but certainly doesn’t cause the nations’ hearts to fail themselves from panic and fear. In the same way, a Black Moon in no way reflects the biblical events surrounding the breaking of the sixth seal in the Great Tribulation. The significant event that is prophetically fulfilled causing the nations to panic is a global earthquake and meteor shower of divine origin. The odd appearances of the sun and moon will likely be the last things anyone will be worrying about then, or that we should be concerning ourselves with now. The seal judgment of Revelation 6 will be fulfilled during the Tribulation Period, and in no way can be predicted based on uncommon but natural lunar or solar phenomena.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.
Listen: Monday – Friday 5-6pm, AM 940 KGMS
Call with your questions:
1(877) 556-1212 (Toll Free)
(520) 790-5663 (Local)
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[email protected]
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Follow Twitter: @ScottR4H
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Scott Richards is a graduate of The University of Arizona, and Talbot Theological Seminary. … Read More >>
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