Question of the Week: Would scientists tampering with our DNA be dishonoring to God?
Verses: Psalm 139:14
Ever since the fall of man, genetic disorders have been taking place along with the more common infectious diseases. The majority of work that modern science has done are merely using it as a tool to combat the results of the fall. Since it’s obviously not something God is in favor of, it is not an unbiblical practice to combat disease. That’s all that the recently announced CRISPR is intended to do. It’s being used as a tool to treat deeper results of the fall in our genetic code by dealing with disorders that occur there like cancer and Alzheimer’s. As long as the scientists developing this method of treatment make the treatment consensual, and its purpose remains to treat disease and no further, then there’s no reason to be concerned with it. Much like the Stem Cell controversy that occurred in the past, the real issue is the potential for abuse before the actual tool is even complete. This system of gene-editing is working on a masterpiece of God’s design that modern scientists continue to be baffled by. It will be quite some time before they are even capable of treating our DNA, let alone abusing that tool.
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