Question of the Week: What is a woman’s role in the church?
Verses: 1 Timothy 2:12, Titus 2:1-5, Galatians 3:28
A lot of controversy surrounds the passage that says that a woman is not to teach or hold a position of authority over a man. However, an examining of the text itself, the one who wrote it, and the other examples of the roles available to women in scripture clear the matter up. First, the passage doesn’t say what’s usually taken by people. It doesn’t say that women can’t teach or have authority. It says they can’t teach men, or hold positions of authority over men. The reasons for this aren’t Paul’s preferences, but the order of creation that God put in place. Second, the accusation that is still leveled towards Paul as being biased against women is put to rest by the fact that he is also the one God used to write the words, “There is neither jew nor greek, male nor female, barbarian nor scythian, but you are all one in Christ Jesus.” And third, the actual role women are to have in church is detailed for us in the book of Titus. They are to teach other women and have positions of authority over other women. There is no more effective women’s ministry than one led by an actual woman. Anyone who tells you that a man can minister to and counsel a woman better than another woman is deluding himself. God has called men to a position of leadership over the church as a whole for His own reasons. This doesn’t mean that women have no role in the church, but rather every other role including specific roles that men aren’t to have either. This is the role of counseling and ministering to other women in the church.
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