Question of the Week: How do I respond when my children claim to be atheists/agnostics?
Verses: John 16:7-14, Romans 2:4
The first and most important thing to remember when sharing the gospel with anyone is that we don’t save anyone. The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict hearts and minds of their need for a Savior. We can at times play a part in that process, but the ultimate decision is between them and God. The hardest thing to do in a love relationship is respect someone’s choices when you know they are the wrong ones. God is willing to respect those decisions. You have the opportunity to share God’s heart when you share with your children. You can share His joy if they accept it, or His heartache when they reject it. However, what we need most from God in those times in His patience and grace as we simply and consistently love them. He is more interested in seeing our children go to Heaven than we’ll ever be. The key to evangelism is simply being available to be used by the Holy Spirit. Without Him we have no hope of showing God’s heart, let alone seeing a soul saved.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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