Scott Richards is a graduate of The University of Arizona, and Talbot Theological Seminary. … Read More >>
The earliest names in Genesis are given as examples of Faith the same way the Holy Spirit convicts us of our need for a Savior. 1. God reveals the sin…
Abraham and Sarah are given as examples of people who trusted God's promises in history and weren't disappointed. 1. Faith means trust 2. Fathers invest in their children's future 3.…
Moses demonstrated faith concerning the judgment of God by taking advantage of every possible means God provided for him to receive His mercy and avoid His judgment. 1. Moses forsook…
The author of Hebrews reviews the remaining examples in the Old and New Testaments. Some were spared the opposition that came their way while others did not. What they all…
Spiritual Growth comes from receiving correction. The spiritually immature person, like Esau in the Old Testament, doesn't consider growing closer to God in their character a priority. As long as…
Intrinsic value is an assumption in Christianity. It should not be taken for granted without understanding where that sense of value comes from. Fellow Christians share a Father and should…
The opposite of covetousness is contentment and likewise is its solution. We understand our contentment on the basis of what the Bible defines as our basic needs. Culture and media…
The Apostle John goes on from his introduction of Revelation to cite multiple Old Testament passages and applies them directly to Jesus Christ. The first identifies Him doing something God…
The Book of Revelation, just like all of the Old Testament books of prophecy before it, follows the same historical standard of why we trust and how we verify what…
Jesus is speaking to the church of Ephesus exactly like He spoke to the nations in the Old Testament. Addressing their hearts and lives, He calls them to greater fellowship…
Jesus writes to the church of Pergamos addressing the compromises they have made concerning their teachers. While they had endured a great deal of persecution, it didn't justify or excuse…