Question of the Week: Is a Black Moon prophetically significant?
Verses: Revelation 6:12-17, Joel 2:10-11
A Black Moon is an uncommon occurrence in lunar cycle patterns. When there are two New Moons in the same month, the second appears darker than normal. In light of the recently failed Blood Moons predictions that the tetrad of Lunar Eclipses aligning with Jewish Festivals had prophetic significance regarding the date of the Rapture, this new announcement of a Black Moon ended up getting far more attention than it deserved among prophetic circles. A Lunar Eclipse is a wonderful display of how magnificently designed our solar system is regarding the perfect position and size of the moon allowing for life to thrive on our planet. When it occurs, the Moon is on the opposite end of the Earth as the sun causing a reddish glow to be reflected from the moon’s surface instead of an absence of light. This is a natural occurrence that may peak the momentary interest of astrology buffs but certainly doesn’t cause the nations’ hearts to fail themselves from panic and fear. In the same way, a Black Moon in no way reflects the biblical events surrounding the breaking of the sixth seal in the Great Tribulation. The significant event that is prophetically fulfilled causing the nations to panic is a global earthquake and meteor shower of divine origin. The odd appearances of the sun and moon will likely be the last things anyone will be worrying about then, or that we should be concerning ourselves with now. The seal judgment of Revelation 6 will be fulfilled during the Tribulation Period, and in no way can be predicted based on uncommon but natural lunar or solar phenomena.
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