Question of the Week: Does anybody really know what day Jesus was born on? If not, why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th?
Verses: Romans 14:4-6, Luke 3:1-2
The easiest answer to this question is that we just don’t know. The amount of historical evidence given to us by Doctor Luke in his gospel account give us an extremely clear picture of the year as well as the reality that it happened. We know it was when Caesar Augustus was Emperor since His reign and census accounts are well documented during the years 27BC to 14AD. We know Qurinius was governor of Syria from 51 BC to 21 AD with a few breaks in between. And as well, we know that the other historical figures beyond Jesus’ birth are also established and verifiable historical figures. Pilate was appointed the Consul of Judea by Tiberius Caesar (14AD-37AD) from 26AD to 36AD and the High Priest Annas was replaced by his son in law Ciaphas in 14AD. All of this side information ultimately brings us back to the event being a historical one. While we don’t have the exact day and many have taken it upon themselves to present their own opinions on the matter, we need to understand some very important things. First, Jesus isn’t so sensitive that He’ll be upset if we celebrate on the wrong day. What matters to him is that we’re celebrating it, more than when we’re celebrating it. Second, Our choice culturally to celebrate it on December 25th is as valid a guess as any other. When people choose to celebrate Christmas, there are just as wide a variety of ways people choose to celebrate Christmas as well. Not all of them are Christian, but this doesn’t invalidate the purpose of the holiday. We choose to take this day to honor and remember the fact that God gave us a gift and we honor that gift by doing the same to those we love around us. And Third, understand that it doesn’t matter what day we chose to honor God. Every day is an opportunity to honor God and thank Him for the gift of eternal life through His Son. It’s not a matter of getting the right day that makes Christmas Christmas. It’s that we honor it the right way. That’s what matters.
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